
Endowed Funds

All of the below funds are housed at the Community Foundation. We welcome donations to increase these funds. Please contact us for information on supporting these funds.

generous donors

In Memory of Dave Moeller

Donations help fund the Focus Agriculture program that Dave was involved with for many years.

Agri-Culture Organization

This fund provides for general operations.

Farm Worker Housing Fund

This fund provides loans for the construction of farm labor housing. Since its inception, loans have exceeded $700,000: helping make 185 new units available to farm laborers and their families in Santa Cruz County and the Pajaro Valley.

Sand Hill Bluff Conservation Easement Monitoring Fund

This fund provides financial support to Agri-Culture to monitor the conservation easement held by the organization on Sand Hill Bluff.

Dottie Tyler Fund for Agrarian Oral History

This fund was established in memory of Dottie Tyler with a gift of $25,000 from her daughter, Lynn Sanderson. The purpose of the fund is to provide financial support to record, via film or similar medium, subjects of interest to the history of agriculture and important issues connected to Santa Cruz County agriculture.

T.H.A.N.K.S. Agricultural Education Fund

The nonprofit T.H.A.N.K.S., which stands for Together Helping Americans Nationwide Keep Strong, transferred its assets to  Agri-Culture in May 2013 for the purpose of starting the “T.H.A.N.K.S. Agricultural Education Fund”. Its purpose is to provide financial support to Agri-Culture for educational programs administered by the organization.

Ron & Dottie Tyler Fund for Restored Agrarian Equipment Maintenance

This fund was established with a $25,000 gift from Lynn Sanderson in memory of Ron & Dottie Tyler. The fund provides financial support for the on-going maintenance of restored agrarian equipment such as, but not limited to, tractors, carriages, machinery and implements. The equipment must be connected with agriculture in Santa Cruz County and Pajaro Valley.

JJ Crosetti, Jr. Memorial Fund

This fund was established with a $25,000 gift from the sister and three daughters of JJ Crosetti, Jr.  This is a two-part fund. The first half is to be used as a scholarship to encourage and support the youth going into the field of agriculture. The second half of the fund is to be used as a grant for local organizations who support local farmers.

Peixoto Organic and Sustainable Farming Education Fund

This fund was established with a $2 million gift from Lakeside Organic Gardens, LLC. The purpose of the fund is to develop an organic and sustainable agricultural learning center in the Pajaro Valley to educate, train, teach or otherwise advance public knowledge of all aspects of organic and sustainable farming practices, including, jobs and career.

Rose Kevern 25th Focus Agriculture Fund

Established in memory of long-time employee Rose Kevern. The earnings from this endowed fund will pay for scholarships for Focus Agriculture class members who need the assistance in order to participate.

Jimmie Cox Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship is for entry-level and current college student majoring in agriculture and has grown to a $4,000 annual award. The student must live in either Santa Cruz County or within the boundaries of the Pajaro Valley Unified School District or be a member of the Santa Cruz County Farm Bureau. The scholarship has awarded thousands of dollars to college students since its inception.

Jeannie Witmer Memorial Scholarship

The Jeannie Witmer Memorial Scholarship, established in 2009, is an annual $1,000 award. To be eligible, students must currently (or in the past) be active in California High School Rodeo Association, District 4 or California 4-H Horse program, may apply for this scholarship to be used at a college, or professional technical school of choice.

Watsonville High School Ag Education Fund

The purpose of this fund is to help Watsonville High School educational programs.

Agricultural Education in Santa Clara County Fund

The Agricultural Education in Santa Clara County Fund was established to provide financial support for agricultural education programs and projects in Santa Clara County.

Laura Brown Memorial Scholarship Fund

This fund was initiated by the Bontadelli Family in memory of Laura Brown.  It will be used to give scholarships to entry-level and current college students with a GPA of at least 3.5 who reside in Santa Cruz County or the Pajaro Valley and plan on majoring in agriculture or related field OR in Culinary Arts. Preference is given to students who have been members of 4-H.

Ernest & Beverley Bontadelli Memorial Fund

This fund was initiated by Steve Bontadelli in memory of his parents, Ernest & Beverley Bontadelli.    It was established to support community agricultural education programs in Santa Cruz County and the Pajaro Valley.

Susan Kim Am Rhein Memorial Fund

This fund was established by Tom Am Rhein, in loving memory of his wife, Susan.  The purpose of the fund is to support vocational education, with an emphasis on culinary arts, in Santa Cruz County and the Pajaro Valley.

Frank Prevedelli Memorial Scholarship Fund

This fund was established by the Prevedelli Family. The purpose of the fund is to provide scholarships to students who attended a high school in Santa Cruz County and major in agriculture or a field related to agriculture.  Selection will include the student’s scholastic record, agricultural potential, special activities, personal history, letters of recommendation and financial need.

Lou & Carol Calcagno Memorial Scholarship Fund

This fund was established by the Calcagno Family. The purpose of the fund is to provide scholarships to students entering or currently attending college and majoring in agriculture, or a related field, Political Science, History, Marine Biology, Wildlife Management, or Culinary Arts.