2025 Agri-Culture Scholarships

Three easy instructions for all scholarships:

  • Applications must be completed and postmarked on or before Friday, February 14, 2025 to be considered by the Scholarship Committee. Applications and/or accompanying documents postmarked after Friday, February 14, 2025 will be considered ineligible.
  • Transcripts from each high school and college attended must accompany this application. Transcripts must be sealed by the registrar and delivered unopened.
  • Three letters of recommendation may be forwarded with the application or mailed directly to the Committee. Each letter of recommendation must be submitted in a sealed envelope. Letters of recommendation must be postmarked on or before Friday, February 14, 2025.


Letters of Recommendation: Applicant must submit three letters of recommendation giving information about his/her character, ability and financial needs. Remember, each letter of recommendation must be submitted in a sealed envelope.

Complete the following two questions ONLY if you are applying for the Jeannie Witmer Memorial Scholarship.

Complete the following question ONLY if you are applying for the Laura Brown Memorial Scholarship.

CONFIDENTIAL (To be reviewed by Scholarship Committee only)

Estimated Income for College Year

Estimated Expenses for College Year

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